Our experienced arborists and tree experts will ensure your trees remain healthy and well-groomed throughout the year.

Trimming and pruning your trees' branches helps keep your VA property beautiful and healthy. From removing one or two large branches to encouraging healthy growth by pruning dozens of dying or undesired shoots, Barrows Tree Service can shape your tree with precision and skill.

Trimming and Pruning Trees

Tree trimming and pruning actually refer to two separate types of services. 

  • Trimming: Trimming removes live branches that have become overgrown. These branches can endanger the structure and health of your tree, leading to infestations or diseases.

  • Pruning: Pruning removes dead, loose, or extra branches. Removing these branches encourages the remaining branches to grow more vibrantly. 

The removal of unhealthy, overgrown or dead branches helps promote tree health. It can also help foster or control spring growth. Depending on the tree species, trimming may also be needed due to proximity to structures or power lines on your property. 

Barrows Tree Services provides trimming and pruning services for trees of all shapes and sizes. This includes holly and shrub pruning. 

Trimming and Pruning Pricing Factors

Your estimate for professional tree trimming and pruning  will include the following costs:

  • Branch location and how difficult it is to reach them

  • Number of trees and limbs to remove

  • Equipment required to get the job done

  • Clean up

    Give us a call today for a free estimate for your branch trimming job!